I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon

Hexagram 01

Qián, the command center

trigram Heaven
Trigram Heaven

Gua Poem (the invocation):
Eminent - expansion
Harvest - divination

The great image says: Qian moves: firmness. A noble one owing to his own strength never ceases.

Hex.1 is complementary to hex.2 The ideas, laws and stuctures of Heaven can become reality in Earth. Try to find the balance between those two, plan with reality in mind, act based on clear rules.  

Qian: the ideogram and the story (NEW). What does it mean for your question?

  All lines: A flight of dragons appears without a head. Auspicious.
You meet a challenge which depends entirely on your own ideas. There will be big or even unsurmountable difficulties. The chance of success is small because the time or the situation work against you. Keep your ideas to yourself for the time being and adjust to the environment. Good: anything which needs to be decreased, maybe including your own ideas. If you align with Mother Earth, she will assist you. See 'contrasts'.
 (hex.1's contrast is 2 Field)

  Top 9: Overbearing dragon. There is regret.
Trigram Heaven turns into Lake. In the realm of the spirit, one can only follow obediently the universal laws. What deviates from them is always wrong. If man tries to lead according to his own human laws, he shuts the door on universe, and life will fail.
 (hex.1's 43 Breakthrough Make your intentions clear at the right moment)  Mirror

  9 at 5: Flying dragon in heaven. Fruitful to see a great man.
Trigram Heaven turns into Fire. When the creative spirit becomes visible, it influences everyone who has a spark of it. One's own thoughts and behavior and everybody who is able to see. Associate with valuable people, who are able to give or receive value.
 (hex.1's 14 Great possessing Success needs the right timing)   Mirror

  9 at 4: Somehow capering over the abyss. Without fault.
Trigram Heaven turns into Wind. Motivation can work wonders. Motivation can work wonders. Fearlessness knowing the danger is the courage of the hero. Inspiration and tackling the impossible is the courage of the artist. Hex.1.4 is about what fearlessness achieves.
 (hex.1's 9 Cultivating the small Responsibility overrules fear)   Mirror

  9 at 3: The noble one is the whole day creative creative. In the evening he is alert for danger. Without fault.
Trigram Heaven turns into Lake. Go ahead if Dao goes ahead, turn back if Dao turns back. Stay in tune with the universe, nobody can ever go another way than Dao and still keep his strength and good fortune.
 (hex.1's 10 Treading Treading in accord with the time)   Mirror

  9 at 2: The dragon appears in the field. Fruitful to see great people.
Trigram Heaven turns into Fire. Whatever one shows or does or even thinks should be genuinely and truly himself. Only oneself appearing is shining. Associate with people of value, good and bad are both contagious.
 (hex.1's 13 Family of man Meeting people when the time is right)   Mirror

  Initial 9: Submerged dragon. No employ.
Trigram Heaven turns into Wind. Not acting is not enough when it is not the time for acting; the mind has to be without acting. Every action needs rest like seeds need winter. Only then one can react to season, time, Dao and start with action at the right moment. The most important part of any action is knowing when the time says not to act.
 (hex.1's 44 Encounter part of action is knowing when to refrain)   Mirror

  No lines changing: you can try to do things, but they may fail or even backfire. If there's nothing that should (or can) be done, then this might be a good time to relax and refuel. The Poem and the Image are guides that show you the best way to do that.

  The Trigrams offer possibilities that the hexagram-texts don't show.

More about the lines of hex.1 and their characters

Meanings of line-places
Multiple lines changing

last update: 07.09.2023


© LiSe April 2000