I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon


Hex.31 and 32 are reflections of each other
Reflected situation, reflected action
Go out and fill empty vv go in and stay me

 Hex.31 Alone with wish to find partner, and making the effort.
Receive by emptiness
 Hex.32 alone wish to stay that, and do one's own thing
Stand and not change bearings

Hex. 41 and 42 are reflections of each other
Reflected situation, reflected action
Inside vv outside, control vv change

 Hex.41 decrease me, one-way
Control anger restrain passion
 Hex.42 increase them, two-way
Good improve, bad reform

Hex.31 and 41 are contrasts of each other
Contrasting situation and contrasting action.

 Hex.31 Receive, add to me
 Hex.41 Decrease me

Hex. 32 and 42 are contrasts of each other
Contrasting situation and contrasting action.

 Hex.32 unchanging me
 Hex.42 changing the world

Hex. 31 and 42 are contrasting reflections of each other
Reflected action, contrasted situation
EG: Something new comes into being, something established needs renewal.

 Hex.31 sit inside, act inside

Hex.32 and 41 are contrasting reflections of each other
Reflected action, contrasted situation

 Hex.32 Open to the other by emptiness
Action: adding, affected.
Situation: needing other(s)
 Hex.41 Decrease your own issues
Action: removing.

last update: 01.12.2020


© LiSe April 2000-2020