I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon


Class: group without personal consent. Can be by common home, roots, job.

Hex.7 and 8 are reflections of each other
Reflected situation, reflected action
Both about cooperation, one by force, one by home.

 Hex.7 an anonymous group is organized by force. Class with common goal. No common home or roots.
 Hex.8 individuals(?) are working together for common goal. Class?

Hex.13 and 14 are reflections of each other
Reflected situation, reflected action
Both about being a human, one together, one individual.

 Hex.13 class, no goal.
 Hex.14 is an individual. Personal goal, no class.

Hex.7 and 13 are contrasts of each other
Contrasting situation and contrasting action.
Both about being a class, one by force, one by roots.

 Hex.7 a group organized by force. Common goal. A class but no common home or roots.
 Hex.13 a group according to class, no goal.

Hex.8 and 14 are contrasts of each other
Contrasting situation and contrasting action.
Both about working for a goal, one as group, one alone.

 Hex.8 common home and goal. Class?
 Hex.14 personal goal, no class.

Hex.7 and 14 are contrasting reflections of each other
Reflected action, contrasted situation
Both about how to reach a goal, one together, one alone.

 Hex.7: Common goal. A class but no common home or roots.
 Hex.14: personal goal, no class, no home/roots.

Hex.8 and 13 are contrasting reflections of each other
Reflected action, contrasted situation
Both about common home or roots. One as group with a goal, one as class without.

 Hex.8 common home, common goal, class.
 Hex.13 class (common roots, home), no goal.

last update: 01.12.2020


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