I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon

 Most pairs in the Yi are reflections of each other. Like a mountain in a lake: upside down.
 Another combination is the 'contrast': every yang line in one hex is a yin line in the other and every yin line is a yang line.

Above is the example of a reflection pair, 5 and 6, and their contrasts, the reflection pair of 35 and 36. Hex.5 and 35 are contrasts, hex.6 and 36 are contrasts.

 When you cast hex.5, the Yi gives advice. But 6 does have some meaning in the advice as well. It is the view from the other side. Not advice about what you should do, but sometimes it is helpful to see "the other perspective".
 The top is now at the bottom, the bottom at the top. Line 5.1 becomes 6.6, and so on. Line 5.5 is about relaxed waiting. Its reflection, 6.2, is also about not being able to do what you want to do, but this time it is not relaxed.

Hex.5 line 5 changes to hex.11, hex.6 line 6 changes to 12, which is - of course - the reflection of 11, because that is how it works.

 Between 5.5 and 6.2 is a reflection. For hexagrams and for lines it works the same. In hex.5 there is something you need, but you cannot (yet) get it, so you have to wait - or leave if you are in the wrong place.
 In hex.6 there is something you need, but you cannot (yet) get it, so you have to fight for it - or refrain from fighting if a fight makes no sense.

Waiting for it or fighting for it - two sides of a similar dilemma. In hex.5 the solution has to come from the outside, you have to wait. In 6 it has to come from you, you decide if you are going to fight and you are the one fighting.

Hex.5 and hex.6 are reflections
One side is more yin - waiting for what will happen. The other side is more yang - what can you do about it.
Similar situations but different actions.

Hex.5 and hex.35 are contrasts
Here the yang-yin difference is a lot stronger. In 5 you need and wait, in 35 you receive and act.
Different situation and different action.

What about hex.5 and hex.36? This is a reflection+contrast.

 In reflections there is always a similar situation. The pairs make sense. In reflection+contrast the similarity is not always as obvious as in hex.5 and 36. Eg hex.19 and 34 - what do they have in common?
 Hex.19 is about empathy, nearing the other. Or nearing a situation. Hex.34 is about going into the world, your own conduct in it and how to tackle problems. Maybe the keyword is 'nearing': nearing people and nearing the big world.

There is something the two have in common. But also a big difference, which seems most of all the place where it happens. Inside, in your own life, or outside, in the big world.
Another difference is the way of your actions: with regard for what others think, or powerful and with your own views.

 9-15, powerful responsibility in/for your own life versus empathic responsibility in/for the outer world.

 19-34, empathic nearing of/in your world, and powerful nearing of/in the big world.

 3-49, powerful new beginnings in your world, and empathic new beginnings in the state, the bigger world.

 4-50, empathic personal teaching of rules and powerful implementing of rules in the state.

Hex.5 and hex.36 are reflection+contrast
 Personal versus the world
Empathy versus power (yin versus yang).

There is something else going on though...

 What if 36 is both the inherent danger and also the possible solution to this danger in 5, in waiting?

 Waiting can easily deteriorate into hiding your light, becoming invisible. But 36 also gives the advice "govern the masses using darkness and also brightness".
 And 35 danger and advice for 6, "display your bright character yourself"?
 "I am the greatest" is a good attitude to impress your enemy - but also the danger of overestimating yourself.

And of course also it works both ways:

 When you need to hide your light 36, then you should be aware of the danger of 5, just waiting instead of being alert for the smallest opportunity.
 And 6 is the danger in any 35-enterprise. You should use your own wits and not fight for what others built. Many companies grew big using 6 instead of their own creativity.


last update: 01.12.2020


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