Hexagram 51 and 52

The core of one’s being and its renewal

Hexagram 51

Hexagram 51

Picture at top: ZHEN4, the ancient character and its parts.
ZHÈN: The upper part (1) of the character is rain, the lower part (2) is probably a sickle. It represents a period of time of a cycle (sickle: harvest), the decisive moment (cutting of the sickle), a part of the zodiac. 

ZHEN4: thunderbolt, thunder, to shake, tremble, vibration, earthquake; excite, shock, scared, terrified, awe inspiring, impressing majesty, thunderstruck, use severity, to quicken, to become pregnant.
'It is the appearance of the signs' (Dan Stackhouse). A sickle or a scythe is in many cultures a symbol of new year's eve.

The characters at left: words or compounds with ZHEN4
1 Mawangdui: (time-marker) chen2, 5th of 12 Earthly Branches; 2-hr period; star, 7-9 A.M., time; day; occasion, celestial body (time-marker). It is a picture of an ancient hoe.
2 ZHEN4 is exchangeable with ZHEN4 (hand-thunder) shake, stimulate; flap, vibrate, activate, relieve (famine/etc.), restore order, terrify, abandon, brace/buoy up.
3 ZHEN4 is exchangeable with SHEN1 (woman-thunder) conceive, be pregnant, bear a child.
4 (thunder serve) to be intimidated, terrified, submit or subdue through fear.
5 (thunder thunder) sparkling, brilliant, imposing, flourishing, roaring, deafening, quick, trembling.
6 (thunder palace) East, palace of heir to the throne.
7 (thunder wind) squall, gust of wind.
8 (thunder threaten) impressive air, inspiring fear

ZHEN4: time, long(-time), day, occasion, celestial bodies, used in date indications, the 12 zodiacal signs in which sun and moon have conjunction in the course of a year, the 5 seasons, the 12 earthly branches, the right time, name of star (Antares), which was revered at dyn. Shang.
Shuo Wen: "in the 3d month yang starts to move. Lightning and thunder make people start working the fields and beings come out again. Chen represents their germination. Chen is the constellations and stars which indicate the passage of time, the quality of the moments".

Sudden, shocking, inspiring awe, and also relief. Probably it means both lightning/thunder and earthquake.
Ban Xiang
Hu Gua
Qian Gua
Jiao Gua
Pang Tong Gua 

Trigrams  thunder thunder
Nuclear 39 
Inverse 52 
Reverse 52 
Complement  57

Hexagram 52
Hexagram 52

Picture at top: GEN4, the ancient character and its parts.
GÈN: The character represents a person turned backwards (2) with a big eye (1): not moving along with others, but resisting every influence: being an individual.  
GEN4: Arrogant, stubborn, resist, anger, obstinate, stop, stand still, defiance, haughtily, to glare. Originally the mirror-image of jiàn 'see', a person with a big eye.

The characters at left: words or compounds with GEN4
1 Mawangdui: (wood-lookbackwards) root or base, cause, beginning.
2 (footstep-lookbackwards) very.
3 (mouth-lookbackwards) amusing, joke, think an instant
4 (foot-lookbackwards) heel; follow; with; and
5 (mound-lookbackwards) limit, bounds.
6 (go-lookbackwards) go backwards.
7 (heart-lookbackwards) hate
8 (dog-lookbackwards) ruthless

9 (animal-earth-lookbackwards) cultivate land

Many compounds have defiance or something like an angry glare in their meaning. It is interesting that meditation and leave-me-alone are both represented by this hexagram.

Ban Xiang
Hu Gua
Qian Gua
Jiao Gua
Pang Tong Gua

Trigrams  mountain mountain
Nuclear 40 
Inverse  51
Reverse 51 
Complement  58