I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon

Hexagram 01

Qián, the command center

trigram Heaven
Trigram Heaven

Gua Poem:
Eminent - expansion
Harvest - determination

The great image says: Qian moves: firmness. A noble one owing to his own strength never ceases.

Qian's main attribute: Heaven

  The character qian is an image of banners waving from a flagpole in the rising sun.
  Qian indidicates the command-center. Where the general of the army is, or the emperor, or the sun. It dictates the course of the sun and the seasons, the country, the army, or your own surroundings.

  The Dragon constellation is Qian's clockhand which points to the time of the year: in spring to the east, time of beginnings, in summer to the south, time of abundance, in autumn to the west, time of harvesting and ending, in winter to the north, time of rest.

  In yourself, the commandcenter harbors your qualities, but what you are able to do depends most of all on your will, on the way you command your actions and your life.

  If you receive Qian, as primary or related hexagram, then look at the 'blueprint' or plan of what you're doing. This answer is about action, the time before you act and action itself. The time of imagining and making plans before you start building and building according to a plan.
  Ask yourself: is it according to your conscience and your abilities? Is it the right thing to do or do you need another approach or another goal? Is it the right time? Can you be a leader? Can you focus on an idea?

  First of all the plan has to be okay. If it isn't, then work on that before you start to build.

   Hex.1's contrast is Hex.2 (when all lines change): matter and space in contrast to action and time. Hex.1 and 2 are complementary, one cannot exist without the other.

  All lines: A flight of dragons appears without a head. Auspicious
There is a very strong leader or someone with a big ambition. It may be you, or someone you follow. Is your strength great enough to fulfill this task? If not, then adapt to the circumstances and don’t regret your lack of power. Yang needs yin and yin needs yang.
 (hex.1's 2 Field: Accepting with generosity)

  Top line: Overbearing dragon. There is regret.
In the realm of the spirit, one can only follow obediently the universal laws. What deviates from them, is always wrong. If man tries to lead according to his own human laws, he shuts the door on universe, and life will fail.
 (hex.1's 43 Breakthrough Make your intentions clear)  Mirror

  Line 5: Flying dragon in heaven.Fruitful to see a great man.
When the creative spirit becomes visible, it influences everyone who has a spark of it. One's own thoughts and behavior and everybody who is able to see. Associate with valuable people, who are able to give or receive value.
 (hex.1's 14 Great possessing A leader inspires, does not force)   Mirror

  Line 4: Somehow capering over the abyss. Without fault.
Fearlessness can accomplish miracles. As soon as a stuntman feels fear, he is in danger. Fearlessness is the core of the hero. Hex.9.4 tells you to forget yourself (and any fear) for the sake of your responsibilities. Hex.1.4 is about what fearlessness accomplishes.
 (hex.1's 9 Cultivating the small Responsibility overrules fear)   Mirror

  Line 3: The noble one is the whole day creative creative. In the evening he is alert like in danger. Without fault.
Go ahead if Dao goes ahead, turn back if Dao turns back. Stay in tune with the universe, nobody can ever go another way than Dao and still keep his strength and good fortune.
 (hex.1's 10 Treading Obeying the laws of abilities and situation)   Mirror

  Line 2: The dragon appears in the field. Fruitful to see great people.
Whatever one shows or does or even thinks should be genuinely and truly himself. Only oneself appearing is shining. Associate with people of value, good and bad are both contagious.
 (hex.1's 13 Family of man Relations depend on merit)   Mirror

  Initial line: Submerged dragon. No employ.
Not acting is not enough when it is not the time for acting; the mind has to be without acting. Every action needs rest like seeds need winter. Only then one can react to season, time, Dao and find action at the right moment. The most important part of any action is knowing when the time says not to act.
 (hex.1's 44 Encounter refraining from what should not be done)   Mirror

More about the lines of hex.1 and their characters

Meanings of line-places
Multiple lines changing