I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon


“Ling Qi Jing”, the Classic of Spirit Tokens,

  The Lingqijing is also called 'The Magical Chess Pieces Classic'. Chinese chess pieces are flat disks like draughts pieces. The Lingqijing has no relation to actual Chinese chess (Xiangqi), it is just that the 'magical tokens' used to consult it resemble Chinese chess pieces. The first commented edition of the work appeared in the Jin Dynasty (265-420).
Verse 87 is identical to verse 351 in the Shen Shu (and maybe more verses). Since the latter is older, it seems the Lingqijing borrowed from the Shenshu.

  The Lingqijing is a Chinese book of divination. The first commented edition of the work appeared in the Jin Dynasty. Legend has it that the strategist Zhang Liang got it from Huang Shigong, a semi-mythological figure in Chinese history.

  It seems there are several slightly different texts. It is often used by street diviners. There are only two translations in English, 'Ling Ch'i Ching' by Ralph D Sawyer and Mei-chün Lee Sawyer, and 'Spirit Tokens of the Ling Qi Jing' by Ivan Kashiwa.

  Twelve chess pieces are used; each is a disc with a character on one side, and unmarked on the other. Four have the character for "up" (上, pronounced shang), four have the character for "middle" (中, zhong), and four have the character for "down" (下, xia), representing the Three Realms: Heaven (天, tian), Humanity (人, ren), and Earth (地, di), respectively. The pieces are cast and the resulting combination is looked up in the text of the Lingqijing for what fortune the combination means. The text of the Lingqijing has an entry for all 125 combinations (i.e., three kinds of pieces, times the five possibilities for each kind: one through four pieces landing face up, or none).



 17 Shen Hu
Spiritual Protection
The image of availing oneself of the spirits
Yin dwells in yang's position
Tui (Metal) - True West

17 Oracle
T’ai-i commands the soldiers, Jade Woman by his side.
Wu Hsien precedes them shaking a spirit-duster to clear away perversities.

17 Verse
Thin clouds obscure the moon’s light
Opened blossoms half destroyed by rain
Expelling evil, in the end one obtains blessings
Quietly retiring to seek tranquility

(T’ai-i is the most honored spirit in heaven, jade Woman and Wu Hsien act as his assistants.
Wu Hsien was a worthy minister in the Shang dynasty)

 26 P’ing An
Peaceful contentment
The image of deciding doubts
Yin dwells above and below
Kan (water), True north

26 Oracle
Above and below both settled, the mind does not give birth to perversity.
Contented, it has no worries. Do not believe rumors.

26 Verse
A pair of swallows return to the southern states,
Seeking out the families Wang and Hsieh.
Amid the carved halls of spring light serene,
They entrust their lives to fate.

 34 Tien Yu
Assistance of Heaven
The image of special prominence Yin and yang mutually appropriate Sun (Wind) - Southeast

34 Oracle
Climbing high, peering out far, above I see the Milky Way.
The divine, exalted Jade Woman bestows a spiritual talisman on me.
It forever grants that it will be difficult for age to affect me
And thus preserves my body.

34 Verses
Although the rarities before my seat are expensive,
I must still await a buyer to sell them.
Fate is bringing prosperity and profit,
I will not trouble myself with planning ordinary affairs.

She being a beautiful person,
The perfected man seeks her.
Admirable virtue true,
She confers blessing on me.
Forever preserving the true,
Do not lose her counsel.

 35 Tsun Kuei
Respected and honored
The image of spiritual assistance
Yang bright above and below
Ch’ien (heaven) - Northwest

Bright virtue exceedingly glorious, longevity unbounded.
The seven stars of the Dipper protect me.
There will be a transfer to a generously renumerated position.
Great good fortune for generations.

Before the carriage no ravines or obstacles,
The boat floats easily down the river.
Rain and dew descend from Heaven,
The outer courtyard is again renewed.

 36 I Tao
Praying for intercession
The image of heavenly bestowal
Accumulated yin conquers yang
Sun (Wind) - Southeast

When a number of unnatural oddities are seen
It becomes essential to engage shamans and wizards
To pray for the intercession of the spirits and seek good fortune.
The dissipation of disaster and mitigation of misfortune,
Gaining tranquility in great and minor affairs,
Will stem from the power of Heavenly and Earthly spirits.

When sorrow appears, truly it is the basis for harm,
When anxiety comes, guard against it in the darkness.
Only when you again encounter winter’s cold or summer’s heat,
Will you manage to dispel calamity and disaster.
Disasters and oddities stir grief within;
A cluster of yin looks to overcome yang.
But by beseeching Heaven to grant its protection,
Old and young gain peace and repose.

 38 Wu Nan
Without difficulty
The image of resting in agriculture
Yin does not oppose yang
Ken (Mountain) - Northeast

The land peaceful and tranquil, without hardship or difficulty.
It is highly appropriate to engage in sowing the fields
and is advantageous to go forth and return.

Above the vast sea, clouds part to reveal an expansive thoroughfare
The multihued phoenix carries a proclamation to the edges of Heaven
The common people take pleasure in their occupations, settled and secure
Officials advance, their achievements and fame praised throughout the realm

 75 Shih Chün
Serving the ruler
The image of uniting with virtue
Two yang mutually productive
Ch'ien (Heaven) - Northwest

An enlightened ruler above, no perversity or evil below.
Those garbed in court attire are numerous and fine;
demotions and promotions have been brilliantly affected.

From low the dragon raises its horns on high, half breaking through the clouds,
Claws and teeth now complete, beyond hardship and suffering.
Henceforth it continually pursues thunder’s transformations,
Shortly to become a man of Heaven in the human realm.

When Yao and Shun governed the world,
Ruler and minister all excelled.
The chief of the four mountaineous regions was accomplished and wise,
The prime ministers approved the plans.
For three years they effected promotions and demotions,
The vile and malevolent were forever forced aside.

 87 Fu Hui
Confluence of Blessings,
The image of respectful caution.
Three yang assist yin
Chen (Thunder) - True east

Virtuously pray for the elimination of the unpropitious;
Be respectfully cautious and appropriately reverent.
Today, although you may be hidden away and constrained,
Blessings and riches will come by themselves.

Verse (= Shenshu 351):
In autumn the osprey’s power turns fierce,
Riding the wind, spreading its wings, it reaches the toad’s palace.
As for glory and splendor, should you ask when they will come,
Sooner or later your fame will extend throughout the nine directions.

(The toad’s palace is the moon.)

last update: 01.12.2020


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