I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon


“Shen Shu”, Spirit Numbers 121-144



121 Rosy clouds

Fake reputations and vacant seats have been around for a long time,
The official salary and horses you seek do not seem real yet,
One slice of rosy clouds arrives after the autumn harvest,
The atmosphere of last year renews for a while.

122 End and beginning

Stop, stop, stop,
There is an end there is a beginning
Similar to the moon and flowers
Maintain the achievements of your predecessors and also emerge.

123 The luminous pearl

The luminous pearl is round,
In color and countenance wind and clouds enjoy each other;
Family harmony thoughout the years.

124 The precious mirror

The precious mirror of relations,
Reflects two people,
Connected in their hearts,
Their hearts in agreement.

125 Not holding things together

Not content to follow higher relatives,
Human hearts easily break up and leave;
Situations in the end lose unity,
The whole ulitmately turns to dust.

126 Resonance

Piles of dust and a long time of waiting,
Secluded at a quiet window - is there anyone who knows?
It seems when meeting a person with the attractive features of a high official,
You can look forward to wealth, profit and honor for yourself.

127 Natural caution

A tiger is lying down on a road,
The traveler on foot does not shout in confusion;
At the roadside one must be careful,
Then there is no natural disaster.

128 Small focus small result

Harmony but not in harmony,
Together but not together,
Given to playing tricks, how many results are empty,
Advancing and retreating, awaiting and preventing - in the end small results.

129 Amplifying

Affairs in the East, success in the West,
A scenery in the moonlight is bright,
From a tall building comes the sound of a flute.

130 Affairs come together

Affairs come together,
The world socializes,
Back and forth,
Level steps and a blue sky.

131 Anything can happen anywhere

Over shallow water the wind is rising into storm,
A level place gives birth to thistles and thorns,
In speaking considering the morning and evening star,
Like in fear for no reason indeed.

132 Easy again

The autumn moon when clouds open up,
A warm breeze from the south after wind and rain.
You may meet an intimate old friend from Chuguó,
An equal and off duty, a recommendation - no need to worry.

133 The golden-scaled fish

The heart already settled,
How can things worry you?
The golden-scaled fish already takes the bait,
Scholarly honor and official rank gathered in a net.

134 Never a whole

The meaning is lost but you are not lost,
Things are solved but your heart is unsolved;
You want and know, really believe,
Yet separated like two mountains.

135 The real joy

Laughing at birth is not enough,
Inside and ouside seeing worry and weeping,
The clouds disperse and the moon is brilliant,
Turn misfortune around and regard it as blessing.

136 Magpies and love

In front of the eave chattering magpies in truly swift flight,
Worry entirely disappears in the happiness of the natural world,
One person enters and one person retreats,
It will end however in a good destiny for lovers.

137 In the setting sun

Thistles and thorns grow on level ground,
Wind and waves arise all around strongly,
Resting against the fence gazing sadly in the distance,
No speaking or answers in the setting sun.

138 The moon agrees.

The strategy has been decided,
Why worry over your affairs?
The shining moon above an important building,
The cloud-traveller is nodding its head.

139 Right place right time.

How utterly strange!
The right place together with the right time.
The lanterns and flowers tell us afterwards
The activities are overall suitable.

140 Dreaming.

Meeting but not meeting,
Visiting but not visiting,
The moon's liquid essence on the seabed.
People are now in dreams.

141 Things can change in the blink of an eye.

In the dark preparing against thunderclaps,
Suspicion and worry, turbulence without substance.
In the blink of an eye the black clouds break up,
They gather and the rising sun of day emerges.

142 Making a name.

It is good to go out from the Middle State on a journey to fight,
A onetime catch of the disgraceful in the king's court;
The phoenix holds the imperial edict,
Achieve and enjoy a distinguished name around the world.

143 Everything entangled.

Enduring outside worries,
Furthermore moans in the family and troubles stirring inside;
The mood even more entangled,
And the state of mind confused.

144 Peace during a rough journey

Large expanses of water and huge mountains,
Storms - the road is calm,
In the jug other people.
(a verse I cannot make sense of)

last update: 01.12.2020


© LiSe April 2000-2020