I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon


“Shen Shu”, Spirit Numbers 73-96


73 Catching the turtle

The wide space of rivers and seas,
Below the mist-covered water live many fish,
Your catch includes the giant turtle,
Songs and laughter in the middle of the current.

74 Two sides to everything.

From wishing to dust,
From hoping to imposing,
Heart not fixed,
One vehicle two sides.

75 Big roads

Good idea - good considering,
Retreat later - wish first,
Then roads lead to big roads,
And your heart is at peace.

76 Easy or hard

  A troubled mind invites trouble, an easy mind invites happiness. A large part of synchronicity comes from your own heart.

77 The power of hunches

When the heart has plenty,
But strength is not sufficient,
Then rely on the spring breeze,
A song, a melody.

78 Relaxing exercise

Body unsettled,
Heart uneasy,
Moving and pausing both three times,
Then all day long things will surely be happy.

79 Shadows on white stone

Matters settled, things hardly,
People satisfied, things hardly,
You want to know what really to believe,
Shadows on white stone.

80 Firewood

The tree turns to the yang which spring emits
Triple yin however hides its roots
The woodcutter doesn't know
He chops firewood.

81 No light and no mirror

No moon,
No mirror.
No reunion,
Nothing worth saying.

82 Creating a big future

Cars and horses arrive,
Banners and flags in abundance,
A bright moon,
Offer amnesty and deal militarily with rebels,
A never-ending big future.

83 Daredevil

Where shall I stay overnight, where shall I stay overnight;
At the Eastern sea and the Northern river a famous name will be recorded,
One section about a bright spirit soaring up to heaven,
A daredevil.

84 Possession needs protection.

A golden scale came into your possession,
Now you also have to get protection against losing it.
It seems you determined how to deal with it,
You talk cautious or hold your tongue.

85 Peace in a glass

Empty a glass,
Relax your brows,
Heaven and Earth are in accord,
Good thoughts come up.

86 Ghosts

A hare stretches a bow and shoots a lord,
In the dark the arrow startles a ghost,
Sudden clouds and a red sun sinking into the river,
The disaster reveals dark things in the sky.

87 An auspicious time

The lucky star shines,
The auspicious constellation Xiù is nearing,
The blue sky shows day in day out a wonderful heaven,
The dragon carrying a load flies down towards the bright hall.

88 No catch

Fishing alone in a cold pond,
Halfway great waves rise,
The water obstructs the fish, they don't bite,
Carrying nothing you return in the bright moon.

89 When to borrow

Not one return,
Hard mental and physical effort,
Respectable people at your side,
It is suitable to borrow.

90 Nature helps your journey

The clouds dissolve and the moon is in the center,
Brillance opens up everywhere,
The journey comes upon water flowing in your direction,
Thousand li fast like the wind.

91 Capturing the bad

Rows of swords and halberds in the mountain forest,
Robbers surely will come,
They flee after defeat, capture and collect them,
You will be made feudal lord,
Which will be passed on to your children and grandchildren.

92 Like a snake

The shore is far, the water deep,
The boat can easily sink,
The road is long, the mountains dangerous,
The steps are difficult to take;
Moving like a snake you move through and cross over in a day,
The moon high in the sky is especially bright.

93 The ancient fish

You plan to change but cannot change,
Be wary of happiness in offending connections,
In the future you seem to find a seducing woman,
Transformation like a Fish-dragon coming out of a huge abyss.

94 Chance lurks in the undefined

One person leaves, one person enters,
A gentle breeze and a bright moon wary of each other,
You catch a golden unicorn down in the fishing spot.

95 End of ancient securities

Happiness is not yet hiding,
Grief already meets disaster,
Heavy rain, a violent wind breaks the ancient tree,
Everyone is exhausted,
The path is not firm and fast.

96 Looking further than home

The time of the meeting is approaching,
Don't miss the schedule,
Laughter and shouting,
A gathering in a place not your home,
To each his own pleasure, health and harmony.


last update: 01.12.2020


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